
Communication Skills Online Course

Effective Communication Skills


Effective Communication Skills

Communication is without doubt the most important skill required to live successfully. The world around you is competitive to say the least. Whether at home or at the workplace, at a Shopping Centre, or with friends, if you can communicate well, you have got most things going your way.

How to Persuade and Influence Behaviours of Others


How to Persuade and Influence Behaviours of Others

Harness the Power of Reading People to Persuade and Influence Behaviours and Outcomes

Business Essentials-Fast Start Your Client Engagement

Business People find that being able to read people can make massive improvements in their business growth. Get inside your client’s head!
Develop Assertiveness Skills for Work and Life

Develop Assertiveness Skills for Work and Life

Learn to be assertive and therefore increase your self-confidence in communicating with others.

Learn the Art of Negotiating and Winning

Your ability to negotiate effectively and achieve your goals is the key to business and personal success.  The Win-Win Negotiation course teaches you to become more effective in influencing others.  

Learn How to Manage Conflict

Learn How to Manage Conflict

To be human is to experience conflict.  You have different values, needs, and motivations that may conflict with each other at various times. 

Learn How to Build Authentic Relationships Through Networking

Networking is the art of creating and maintaining relationships that have the potential of benefiting you in the future—be it in your professional life or personal.

Grow Your Interpersonal Skills

Grow Your Interpersonal Skills

Develop your communication skills and you will have a high emotional intelligence that you need for work and life.

Networking for the Socially Awkward

Networking is not for everyone but it is a necessary skill for all small business owners. You may be thinking that this is a silly question to be asking. If you understand the importance of using your innate skills, it is a question that needs to be asked.

Basic Facial Profiling

Basic Facial Profiling

Taking Your Communication Skills to the Next Level! Have the ability to read people’s facial expressions. No longer will you have to rely on what someone says but you will be able to read their face and know what they are really saying!

Smart Personal Relationships

Whether you want to find a new partner or improve the relationship with the one you already have, this course is for you. The skills you learn here are universal and can be used in every area of your life.

The Principles of Collaborative Negotiation

You negotiate on a regular basis throughout your professional life with colleagues, managers, and customers/clients—and in your personal life with family and friends. However, although negotiation takes place every day, it is not easy to do.

Caring communication in the Workplace

Caring communication in the Workplace

Caring Communication in the Workplace is about improving communication and cooperation with other employees. Benchmark what you expect with communicating within your workforce.