Public Speaking

Public Speaking

7 Speaking Voice Elements that Empower your Leadership credibility

7 Speaking Voice Elements that Empower your Leadership credibility

In this course I would like you to become aware of your speaking tonality and use the tools and techniques to control and change the way you speak, removing the limitations in your communication. 

Learn how to speak like a professional with influence and authority in any environment

How you pronounce your words and speak with clarity along with engaging delivery can turn the blandest message into a riveting speech.

Develop the Mindset to become an Inspirational Authentic Speaker

Inspirational authentic speakers do not arise overnight.  The one thing that makes them engaging is that they have lived and often overcome obstacles because they developed a winning mindset.  In today’s economic client you need the right mindset to be an authentic speaker.

Learn How to Remove Annoying Filler Um Words from your Presentation

Learn How to Remove Annoying Filler Um Words from your Presentation

Using filler words during a speech is a bad idea. … Once your audience uses their listening skills and realizes that you are using words like “umm”, “like”, and “you know” in your presentation, they will then become distracted as they start to listen for the next time that you use one of these words. This course helps you overcome this problem

Learn Techniques to Possess Supreme Confidence on Stage and Speak Like a Pro

Learn Techniques to Possess Supreme Confidence on Stage and Speak Like a Pro

Do you ever feel out of your depth as a speaker, or that nobody will be interested in what you have to say? Becoming a skilled and confident speaker will open doors and create opportunities you only dreamed of.

Conquer Your Fear of Public Speaking

If you are feeling nervous about speaking in front of an audience or on camera, working through this module is a great place to start to overcome your fears. It is a step-by-step speaker trainer program that will provide you with the confidence and skills to become comfortable speaking in public.

7 Key Story Pieces to Share Your Busines

7 Key Story Pieces to Share Your Business

“We all have a life story and a message that can inspire others to live a better life or run a better business. Why not use that story and message to serve others and grow a real business doing it?” Your business will grow when you decide it’s time to make a change. Your speaking clarity and confidence will grow when you invest in yourself today.

3C's of Storytelling Your Business

Are you tired of not being seen and heard? Having your voice heard today is overwhelming and confusing for people. With the increasing online presence for businesses and organizations, it’s vital to be seen and heard.