Mental Health

Mental Health Online

Managers Guide to Avoiding Burnout in the Workplace

Managers Guide to Avoiding Burnout in the Workplace

As a manager, you have a responsibility to avoid your own burnout but also your staff burning out. Burnout is a real problem for many people. It’s not just about feeling tired and exhausted, it’s about being unable to enjoy the things you love doing anymore.

A Vital People Skill for Managers-CALM Conversations

C.A.L.M. Conversations skills empower leaders and managers to discuss mental health & wellbeing with their teams. We help your People Leaders, Managers, and Team Members to have wellbeing and mental health conversations safely – with empathy and without offending.

How to Avoid Burnout

Burnout is a real problem for many people. It’s not just about feeling tired and exhausted, it’s about being unable to enjoy the things you love doing anymore. The symptoms of burnout are similar to depression, but they can be managed if you know what causes them in the first place. In fact, there are some simple steps that can help prevent these feelings from happening at all!

Keeping Individual Safe from Suicide

In today’s world you are hard pressed to find someone that does not know someone that has attempted or committed suicide. This course, Keeping Individuals Safe from Suicide focuses on what a listener if or when someone tells them that they are having suicidal thoughts.

Strategies for Wellbeing and Health at Work and in Life

The “Strategies for Health & Wellbeing at Work and in Life’ is an online course that provides a foundation and framework for assisting Team Members to understand and care for their mental and emotional wellbeing in the context of working at home, remotely and/or at a workplace.

Mental Health Awareness and Strategies for Work and Life

Mental Health Awareness and Strategies for Work and Life

The “Mental Health Awareness and Strategies for Work and in Life” is an online course that provides a foundation and framework for assisting Team Members to understand and care for their mental and emotional wellbeing. Everyone needs a mental health toolkit that can be used whenever you are struggling with emotional issues.

Strategies for wellbeing and health while working from home

Strategies for wellbeing and health while working from home

The ‘Mental Health Strategies for Working from Home’ virtual learning course provides a foundation and framework for assisting Team Members to understand and care for their mental and emotional wellbeing in the context of working at home, remotely and/or at a workplace.

Bounce Up

BOUNCEuP- A sport Approach to Resilience

Life is a journey with many obstacles. To sail through the tides, you need to be able to come back from adversities and get stronger with every experience—both physically and mentally.

Mental Health Awareness

Mental health and wellbeing are the key to achieving peace and joy in life, and order to do so, you should be able to understand the problems that are holding you back on a psychological level.

Mental Health Awareness in the Construction Industry

Mental Health Awareness in the Construction Industry

The suicide rates in the building and construction industry are alarming. Workers in this industry are six times more likely to die by suicide than through workplace accidents.

Beyond Loss

Beyond Loss

Have you noticed that most of us have never been taught how move beyond loss? There wasn’t a class. There wasn’t anything that prepared us. No wonder many of us are stuck in avoidance and end up suffering in silence.

Beginners Guide to Getting Out of Debt

Beginners Guide to Getting Out of Debt

Mounting debt and fights about money end more marriages than infidelity! So what are the alternatives when you are feeling overwhelmed about your financial situation?

This course is full of potential solutions!

Learn How to Focus and Manage Your Mind

Learn How to Focus and Manage Your Mind

Focusing and managing your mind is a skill that can help you be the best version of yourself by removing limitations, improving focus, maintaining discipline, and becoming persistent.

Learn How to Manage Stress

Learn How to Manage Stress

Managing stress is about taking charge of your thoughts, emotions, schedule, and the way you deal with problems. If you master this technique, your stress will push you to do better instead of holding you back. This is what this course is all about—to help you tame your demons and make them work for you instead of against you.

Implementing the Mental Health Zen Program for Team Leaders

Implementing the Mental Health Zen Program for Team Leaders

Wouldn’t it be great to help stressed colleagues become calmer, more focused, and more relaxed in just a few minutes? The Mental Health First Aide program is great at helping to recognize when someone is struggling and providing the confidence to start a conversation and refer them on…

How to Vanquish the Inner Dragon when you are Mentally Overwhelmed

How to Vanquish the Inner Dragon when you are Mentally Overwhelmed

Wouldn’t it be great if you could become calmer, more focused, and more relaxed in just a few minutes when feeling stressed? Or learning how you can help your children and spouse to easily deal with stress?

The Powerful Owl Helping you Release Tension and Promote Creativity

The Powerful Owl Helping you Release Tension and Promote Creativity

This program is designed to support your mental wellbeing with simple and effective mindful movement and breathing techniques. During the program, you will be taught “The Powerful Owl”. A Zen Mindful Movement to give you the confidence, capability, and tools to maintain your own mental well-being and release any tension that may be holding you back.

Standing Strong Against Adversity (Zen Movement Mental Health Program)

Standing Strong Against Adversity (Zen Movement Mental Health Program)

This program is designed to support your mental wellbeing with simple and effective mindful movement and breathing techniques. Standing Strong Against Adversity is a Mental Health ZEN Program – to help you build resilience with simple mindful movements.

Willow in the Wind Zen Refocusing Technique (Zen Movement Mental Health Program)

Willow in the Wind Zen Refocusing Technique (Zen Movement Mental Health Program)

This program is designed to support your mental wellbeing with simple and effective mindful movement and breathing techniques. During the program, you will be taught “Willow in the Wind”. A Zen Mindful Movement to give you the confidence, capability, and tools to maintain your own mental well-being and to help you Refocus and Reset.

Shake It Off and Moving On!

Shake It Off and Moving On!

This program is designed to support your mental wellbeing with simple and effective mindful movement and breathing techniques. During the program, you will be taught “The Monkey – Shake it OFF

Taking Control of Your Own Mental and Emotional Health

Taking Control of Your Own Mental and Emotional Heath

Most people tend to go to their doctor first when they are feeling overwhelmed, but medication should not be the first choice. Learning techniques and strategies that you can implement you cope is a learnt life skill. Once you have mastered the techniques and skills you will find things are easier to deal with.